373 345kV Line {{ ::391:2023_05_18_meeting_minutes_final.pdf |2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "}} {{ ::a04_2023_05_28_pac_nh_wood_structure_and_opgw_installations.pdf |2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 34 out of 178 structures; $10.3 million}} {{ :373:2023-02-28-field-inspection-2023224341.pdf |2023, February 28: "The purpose of the [DES] site inspection was in response to concerns about construction practices.: }} {{ :373:381_395_373_2022-02462_approval.pdf |2022, August 26: DES permit}} {{ :373:2022-02462_pbn.pdf |2022, August 16: Tighe and Bond notification to DES for work}} {{ :373:375_-_383_-_391_f_g_and_es_discussion.pdf |2022, August 5: F&G and E$ discussion}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_des_permit_with_waivers_2022.pdf |2022, August 19: DES permit with waivers}} {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ :a3_eversource_new_hampshire_asset_conditions_wood_structure_replacement.pdf |2022, June 15: presentation to PAC, replace 25 out of 169 structures; $8.6 m}} {{ :373:385-_373-_391_natural_heritage_bureau.pdf |2022, May 20: Natural Heritage Bureau}} {{ :373:373_385_391_ground_and_surface_water_aot_5-2022.pdf |2022, May: ground and surface water overlay maps}} {{ :373:aot-2210_plans.pdf |2022, May: surface and groundwater overlay plans}} {{ :373:373_385_391_aot_4-2022.pdf |2022, April: AoT plans}} {{ :373:fig_4_-_391_385_373_2022_aot_plans_041522_compiled.pdf |2022, April: AOT plans}} {{ :373:373_crossing_opgw_4-7-2021.pdf |2021, April 7: license granting crossing Rockingham Recreational Trail}} {{ ::de-20-195-order-26-468.pdf |2021, April 7: order granting Lamprey river crossing}} {{ :373:373_012121_pac_minutes_final.pdf |2021, January 21: Minutes of PAC meeting.}} {{ ::a4_eversource_345kv_structure_replacement_2020_2021.pdf |2021, January 21: presentation to PAC, 22 structures out of 178 replaced, $9.8 m}} {{ :373:2020_puc_crossing_373_scobie_pond_to_deerfield_ss_opgw.pdf |2020, December 22: petition to cross Lamprey River; "The proposed project for the 373 Line will complete installation of OPGW communications cable between the Deerfield substation and Scobie Pond substation in Derry. The only other PUC crossing span between those terminating substations, located between Structures 242 to 243 in Raymond, was licensedfor both structure replacement (wood to steel) and OPGW communications cable installation pursuant to Order 26,402 in Docket DE 20-033, so this petition will complete structure replacement and communications functionality reliability upgrades between those terminating substations for the 373 Line."}} {{ ::09232020_m.pdf |2020, September 23: Deerfield Planning Board minutes}} {{ ::de-20-033.pdf |2020, September 9: Order Nisi granting crossing, Rockingham Recreational Trail; Eversource will transfer 6 existing conductors as well as a static wire to newly constructed support structures." }} {{ :373:373_2020-08-18_staff_rec.pdf |2020, August 19: staff report on crossing; "The structure will have conductors for the 345 kV 373 transmission line consisting of (6) 850.8 kcmil ACSR 45/7 cables. The static cables will consist of (1) 7#8 Alumoweld cable and (1) 48 Fiber OPGW, which will be vertically attached above the conductors."}} {{ :373:373_2020-08-18_eversource_supp_replacement_petition.pdf |2020, August 18: supplemental crossing petition (static line changed to OPGW)}} {{ :373:373_2020-08-18_eversource_att_supp_replacement_petition.pdf |2020, August 18: supplemental crossing petition attachments}} {{ :373:391_-_385_-_373_start_of_construction_form.pdf |2020, April 7: Start of construction notification}} {{ :373:385_-_391_-_373_dees_permit_with_waivers.pdf |2020, April 3: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :373:aot1781_rm.pdf |2020, April 3, Alteration of Terrain permit with waivers}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_f_g.pdf |2020, April 2: F&G}} {{ :373:391_-_385_-_373_des_to_nhb.pdf |2020, March 17: DES to NHB}} {{ :373:373_2020-03-12_eversource_petition_crossing_raymond.pdf |2020, March 12: crossing petition Raymond, supplemented 8/18}} {{ :373:373_2020-03-12_eversource_att_petition_crossing_raymond.pdf |2020, March 12, crossing petition Raymond, Attachments}} {{ :373:aot-1781_miscellaneous.pdf |2020, January 20: AoT application, 244 pages}} {{ :373:381_-_395_-_373_aot_application.pdf |2020: January 20: AoT application 254 pages}} {{ :373:373_385_391_surface_and_groundwater_1-20-2020.pdf |2020, January 1: ground and surface water overlay maps}} {{ :373:373_maybe_2019-08-08_order_26283_summary.pdf |2019, August 8: Summary of Order Nisi}} {{ :373:373_2019-08-06_order_26281_summary.pdf |2019, August 6: Summary of Order Nisi}} {{ :373:373_2019-08-06_order_26281.pdf |2019, August 6: Order Nisi}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_start_of_construction_form_2019.pdf |2019, July 1: Start of construction notification}} {{ :373:aot-1632_start_of_construction.pdf |2019, June 28, start of construction form}} {{ ::373:aot1632_rm.pdf |2019, June 28: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :373:373_2019-06-14_staff_rec.pdf |2019, June 14: staff recommendation}} {{ :373:373_2019-05-17_eversource_petition_crossing_lamprey_river_deerfield.pdf |2019, May 17: petition to cross Lamprey River}} {{ :373:373_097_2019-05-17_eversource_petition_crossing_lamprey_river_deerfield.pdf |2019, May 17: exhibits for petition to cross the Lamprey River}} {{ :373:391_373_385_gsurface_and_groundwater_overlay_map_4-24-2019.pdf |2019, April 4 surface and groundwater overlay map}} {{ :373:aot-1632_miscellaneous_r.pdf |2019, May: AoT application, GZA}} {{ :373:373_petition_for_crossing_lamprey_2019_no_opgw.pdf |2019, May 17: petition for crossing, no OPGW}} {{ :373:373_2019-05-17_eversource_att_petition_crossing_lamprey_river_deerfield.pdf |2019, May 17: Exhibits for petition to cross the Lamprey River, no OPGW}} {{ ::373_2018.pdf |2018 article on maintenance work, not described}} {{ :373:373_385_391_2018-00123_maintenance_notification.pdf |2018, October 28: installation of grounding rings at 30 structures, $10,000 paid to DES}}