====== 385 345kV Line ====== {{ :may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |map showing line location}} {{ :373:381_395_373_2022-02462_approval.pdf |2022, August 26: DES permit}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_des_permit_with_waivers_2022.pdf |2022, August 19: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :391:391_2022-02462_pbn.pdf |2022, August 16: notification to DES; replacing 5 structures in Derry}} {{ :373:375_-_383_-_391_f_g_and_es_discussion.pdf |2022, August 5: F&G and eversource discussion- too bad for Blanding's turtle.}} {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ :a3_eversource_new_hampshire_asset_conditions_wood_structure_replacement.pdf |2022, June 15 report to PAC, replace 25 out of 169 structures; $8.6 m}} {{ :373:373_385_391_aot_4-2022.pdf |2022, April Alteration of Terrain plans}} {{ ::de-20-195-order-26-468.pdf |2021, April 7,order granting river crossing, Lamprey River; "The Company proposes to replace one of two existing static wires with an optical ground wire (OPGW) cable. The original wooden structures at the Lamprey River crossing location in Deerfield, Structures 212 and 213, were replaced in 2019.1 Eversource stated that the project proposed in the current petition will complete installation of an OPGW communications cable between the Deerfield substation in Deerfield and Scobie Pond substation in Derry.2"}} {{ :373:385-_373-_391_natural_heritage_bureau.pdf |2022, May 20: Natural Heritage Bureau}} {{ :373:373_385_391_ground_and_surface_water_aot_5-2022.pdf |2022, May: ground and surface water overlay maps}} {{ ::de-20-034.pdf |2020, September 2: Order re. crossing; "We note that there is no adequate description of the location of the crossing in the petition. The petition relies on a map that has very little detail other than a circle around an area over the river in Strafford. Streets are not identified on the map. But for the work of Staff, comparing the map provided to published maps of the area, we would be unable to describe to the public where the crossing is located, other than that it is in the Town of Strafford. We expect, and direct, that future petitions will contain a descriptive narrative of where the crossing is located, so that the crossing can be easily located and the public can be adequately informed."}} {{ ::20-066_2020-05-04_eversource_petition_crossing_.pdf |2020, May 4: crossing petition; No conductor, shield wire or neutral shall be added or replaced as part of those structure replacements; instead, existing conductors and wires shall be tran sferred to the new structures. Sougehan River}} {{ :373:391_-_385_-_373_start_of_construction_form.pdf |2020, April 7: Start of construction notification}} {{ :385:aot1781_rm.pdf |2020, April 3: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_f_g.pdf |2020, April 2: F&G}} {{ :373:391_-_385_-_373_des_to_nhb.pdf |2020, March 17: DES to NHB}} {{ :373:aot-1781_miscellaneous.pdf |2020, January 20: AoT application, 244 pages}} {{ :373:381_-_395_-_373_aot_application.pdf |2020: January 20: AoT application 254 pages}} {{ :373:373_385_391_surface_and_groundwater_1-20-2020.pdf |2020, January 20: ground and surface water overlay maps}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_start_of_construction_form_2019.pdf |2019, July 1: Start of construction notification}} {{ :373:391_-_373_-_385_des_permit_with_waivers_6-22-2019.pdf |2019, June 22: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :373:373_385_391_aot_permit_app_5-2019.pdf |2019, May: AOT application}} {{ :373:391_373_385_gsurface_and_groundwater_overlay_map_4-24-2019.pdf |2019, April 4: surface and groundwater overlay map}} {{ :385:aot-1632_start_of_construction.pdf |2019, July 1: start of construction notice}} {{ ::385:aot1632_rm.pdf |2019, June 28: DES permit with waivers}} {{ :385:aot-1632_miscellaneous_r.pdf |2019, May: AOT permit application}} {{ :385:aot-1632_plans.pdf |2019, April 24: surface and groundwater overlay}} {{ :373:373_385_391_2018-00123_maintenance_notification.pdf |2018, October 28: installation of grounding rings at 30 structures, $10,000 paid to DES}}