====== Asset Condition documents ====== [[Asset Condition Lists|Asset Condition Lists]] [[Asset Condition Process (Legitimization) Guide]] {{ :ac:a04_pac_asset_condition_project_forecast_overview.pdf |2024, September 12: "Asset Condition" projects forecast overview.}} {{ :ac:letter_to_es_re_x178_information_9-2024.pdf |2024, September 9; kp letter to Eversource re. missing X-178 information}} {{ :x178:follow_up_on_x-178f.pdf |2024, August 1: NESCOE letter to Eversource and ISO: "absent information showing that this use of consumer dollars is well-supported and reasonable, NESCOE is prepared to use its full resources to explore all available options to dispute the reasonableness of the investments, including but not limited to action at FERC."}} {{ :ac:2024_0719_naruc_nominations_for_the_federal_and_state_current_issues_collaborative.pdf |2024, July 19: NARUC nominations for the Federal and State Current Issues Collaborative}} {{ :x178:kp_email_sent_to_des_aslin_and_others_re_aot_permits_7-5-2024.pdf |2024, July 5: kp email to DES, AG and others re. lack of landowner signatures on AoT applications.}} [[https://acadiacenter.org/crosscurrents-issue-2/| 2024, June: Acadia Center article on X-178.]] {{ :ac:ac_rebuilds_after_reliability_rebuilds_-_laminated_problem.pdf |2024, May 22: k pastoriza comments on mostly Eversource replacements of under 20-year-old structures.}} {{ :w149:comments_on_ngrid_w-149.pdf |2024, May 17: k pastoriza comments on National Grid W-149}} {{ :ac:a05_nepool_counsel_memo_transmission_planning_final_rule.pdf |2024, May 16: NEPOOL explaining how Order 1920 doesn't apply to "Asset Condition" projects}} {{ ::w149:a04_ngrid_w149_acr_asset_condition_presenation.pdf |2024, May 15: National Grid W-149 presentation $491 m. rebuild}} {{ :ac:letter_to_es_and_pac_re_x-178_clearance_to_ground_5-12-2024.pdf |2024, May 12: k pastoriza letter to Eversource and PAC re X-178 clearance to ground}} {{ :ac:letter_to_es_re_new_plan_for_x-178_4-2024.pdf |2024, April 26: k pastoriza letter to E$, ISO re new plan for X-178}} {{ :ac:wetlands_violations_eversource.pdf |2024, April 26: Eversource BMP violations }} {{ :x178:comment_on_eversource_x-178_complete_rebuild_as_a_response_to_41_poles_out_of_580_structures_needing_repair_or_replacement_in_the_next_maintenance_cycle..pdf |2024, April 9: kp questions on Eversource Small Projects Day application to WMNF}} {{ :x178:first_light_ever_source_3-31-2021.pdf |2024, April 6: comments on FirstLight Eversource fiber optic third party contractor document of 3/31/2021}} {{ :x178:wmnf_x178-1_transmission_line_rebuild_project_information_form.pdf |2024, April 3: WMNF Small Projects Day application from E$ for construction in North Woodstock}} {{ :ac:2024_04_02_pac_notice_mar_2024_rsp_acl_update.pdf |2024, April 2: PAC notice of corrections to 3/2024 RSP list}} {{ :x178:x-178_2024_04_02_pac_responses_to_stakeholder_comments_on_mar_2024_acl.pdf |2024, April 2: PAC response to stakeholder comments of 3/2024}} {{ :pac:2024_03_20_pac_me_puc_comments_x_line_178.pdf |2024, March 20: Maine PUC comments to PAC on Eversource X-178 presentation}} {{ :pac:2024_03_15_pac_nescoe_feedback_line_x178.pdf |2024, March 15: NESCOE comments to PAC on Eversource X-178 presentation}} {{ :ac:wetlands_violations_eversource.pdf |2024, March: kp comment on Eversource wetlands violations}} {{ :ac:2024_02_27_pac_guidelines_for_public_comments.pdf |2024, February 27: PAC "Guidelines" for public comments}} {{ :ac:23-056_2024-02-12_nhpuc_order-26946-1.pdf |2024, February 12: PUC denies motion for reconsideration, DE-23-056 "Commission concluded it had the authority to conduct a fact- finding inquiry into Eversource’s asset condition projects to the extent they affect New Hampshire ratepayers....Given the broad scope of review the Petitioner sought, the Commission declined to initiate an investigation based on the Petition.}} [[https://www.utilitydive.com/news/eversource-national-grid-iso-new-england-ferc-asset-condition-transmission-maine/706393/|2024, February 2: Utility Dive; "Eversource, others may be capitalizing on lax reviews for some transmission projects: Maine officials"]] {{ :ac:etcc_response_to_incumbent_to_comments.pdf |2024, February 1: "MOTION FOR LEAVE TO ANSWER AND ANSWER OF THE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION COMPETITION COALITION TO THE UNAUTHORIZED SUPPLEMENTAL REPLY COMMENTS OF CERTAIN ANTI-COMPETITION INCUMBENT UTILITIES"}} {{ :ac:ac:maine_puc_complaint_to_ferc_20240131-5415.pdf |2024, January 31: FORMAL CHALLENGE OF THE MAINE OFFICE OF PUBLIC ADVOCATE TO VIOLATIONS OF ISO NEW ENGLAND'S INFORMATION EXCHANGE PROTOCOLS BY THE IDENTIFIED NEW ENGLAND TRANSMISSION OWNERS}} {{ :ac:comment_2_on_eversource_hurd_state_park_project_proposal_1-28-24.pdf |2024, January 28: k. pastoriza comment #2 on Hurd State Park project}} {{ :ac:2024_01_25_pac_neto_asset_database.xlsx |2024, January 25: New England Transmission operators asset database}} {{ :ac:comment_to_iso_and_pac_re._hurd_state_park_and_other_presentations_1-21-24.pdf |2024, January 21: k. pastoriza comment on Hurd State Park presentation and other problems}} {{ ::de_23-056_eversource_objection_to_motion_for_reconsideration-1.pdf |2024, January 19: Eversource objection to motion for reconsideration}} {{ :pac:2024_01_18_pac_2024_economic_study_presentation.pdf |2024, January 18" Economic study presentation}} {{ :pac:a06_2023_01_18_pac_overview_economic_study_technical_guide.pdf |2024, January 18: overview economic study}} {{ :pac:2024_01_18_hurd_state_park_corridor_rebuild.pdf |2024, January 18: Eversource presentation to PAC; Hurd State Park project}} {{ ::motion_for_reconsideration_january_11_2023_final.pdf |2024, January 11: motion for PUC reconsideration of denial}} {{ ::four_line_histories_with_map.pdf |2024, January 11: supplement to motion.}} {{ :ac:20240108-5192_harvard_eli_ad21-15_comment_-_jan_8_2024.pdf |2024, January 8 Peskoe comment to FERC}} {{ ::23-056_2024-01-05_nhpuc_order-26925.pdf |2024, January 5: NH PUC denial of request to investigate Eversource asset condition projects}} {{ :23-056_2023-10-26_sugar_hill-selectboard-comments.pdf |2023, October 20, Sugar Hill support of PUC investigation of Eversource asset condition projects}} {{ :ac:questions_on_eversource_pac_presentations_a-152_and_m-127.pdf |2023, December 15: k. pastoriza comments and questions on ES presentation on A-152 and M-127 projects}} {{ :ac:k_pastoriza_comment_on_neto_response_12-14-23.pdf |December 14, 2023: k. pastoriza response to NETO 11/15/2023 response to stakeholder comments}} {{ :pac:a05_2023_11_15_asset_condition_project_forecast.pdf |}} {{ :ac:a04_2023_12_20_pac_nh_line_a152_m127_structure_replacement_projects.pdf |December 20, 2023: ES presentation on A-152 and M-127 structure replacements}} {{ :ac:a07_2023_12_20_pac_neto_update_on_asset_condition_project_process_enhancements.pdf |December 20, 2023: NETO update on Asset Condition project process 'enhancements'}} {{ :pac:2023_11_15_pac_neto_responses_to_stakeholder_comments_on_pac_presentation_guidelines.pdf |2023, November 15: NETO responses to stakeholder requests for improvement of Asset Condition project presentations}} {{ ::pac:a04_2023_11_15_pac_guidelines_for_creation_of_asset_condition_project_presentations_update.pdf |2023, November 15: Transmission corporation authored guidelines for asset condition presentations}} {{ ::2023_11_15_topac_lsp_eversource_presentation.pdf |2023, November 15: Eversource TOPAC (Transmission Owners Planning Advisory Committee) presentation to PAC}} {{ ::a07_2023_10_18_pac_neto_asset_management_process.pdf |2023, October 18: NETO (New England Transmission Operators) asset management 'improvement' process presentation}} {{ ::pac_ma_ago_acp_comments.pdf |2023, September 15: Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office Feedback Regarding the New England Transmission Owners August 8, 2023, Letter and Proposed Guidelines for Asset Condition Project Presentations}} {{ ::pac_synapse_comments_on_neto_guidelines_for_asset_condition_project_presentations.pdf |2023, September 15: COMMENTS BY SYNAPSE ON DRAFT GUIDELINES FOR CREATION OF ASSET CONDITION PROJECT PRESENTATIONS}} {{ {{ :pac:a03_2023_09_20_pac_ptf_asset_condition_database_presentation.pdf |}} {{ ::cane-letter-to-pac-re-asset-conditions.pdf |2023, September 14: Consumer Advocates of New England letter to PAC re. Asset Condition problem}} {{ ::question_for_eversource_x-178_pac_presentation.pdf |2023, September 7:questions for Eversource upcoming X-178 so-called asset condition project, presentation to the PAC}} {{ ::comment_on_draft_pac_presentation_outline_8-19.pdf |2023, August 19: k. pastoriza comment on draft PAC presentation outline.}} {{ ::oca_reply_brief_230818.pdf |2023, August 18: Office of the Consumer Advocate reply Brief DE-23-056}} {{ ::8-16-23_pac_comments.pdf |2023, August 16: k. pastoriza comments to PAC}} {{ ::2023_07_17_nescoe_asset_condition_request_netos.pdf |2023, July 14: NESCOE Asset Condition Request to NETOs}} {{ ::2023_06_30_nescoe_letter_to_eversource_1704_1722_underground_cable_rebuild_project.pdf |2023, June 30 NESCOE request to Eversource for more information on a non-Asset-Condition project.}} {{ :eversource_nh_map.edited.png?linkonly |2023, March: Asset Condition map}} {{ ::eversource_nh_asset_condition_map_june.edited.png?linkonly |2023, June: Asset Condition map}} {{ ::asset_condition_projects_eversource_nh.pdf |2023, March: Eversource asset condition projects NH pdf}} [[https://www.puc.nh.gov/regulatory/Docketbk/2015/15-464/INITIAL%20FILING%20-%20PETITION/15-464%202015-10-19%20EVERSOURCE%20PTESTIMONY%20R%20ANDREW.PDF| "The rebuild of the X178 line did not require the acquisition of additional ROW as it was placed off center within the existing ROW, leaving space for future use of the ROW. The load in this area [and others] has not required the upgrade of the remaining sections of the X178 [and other lines]."]] {{ ::final_project_list_presentation_june_2023.pdf |2023, June, final project list presentation}} {{ :undefined:synapse_on_asset_condition_5_2023.pdf |2023, May: Synapse asset condition letter}} {{ ::a05_2023_05_18_pac_asset_condition_presentation.pdf |2023, May 18: asset condition presentation}} {{ ::nescoe_nescoe_asset_conditions_letter_230208.pdf |2023, February 8: NESCOE asset condition letter}} {{ :ac:rightsizing_memo_pac.pdf |2022, April 11: NESCOE letter to PAC re asset condition}} {{ ::final_project_list_presentation_mar_2022.pdf |2022, March: final project list presentation}} {{ ::a02_2_2021-06-04_ipsac_iso-ne_regional_planning_needs_and_solutions_final.pdf |2021, June: ISO regional planning needs and solutions}} {{ ::what_the_puc_said_and_should_be_repeating_in_de-20-161_re_eversource_asset_condition_project.pdf |2019: What the PUC said about Asset Condition projects}} {{ ::poles_left_by_bus_stop.jpg?linkonly |Decrepit (?) Eversource poles left by bus stop}} {{ ::may_18_2023_e_pac_lines_map.png?linkonly |2023 line map, Deerfield area}} {{ ::psnh_row.pdf |SegTel and Eversource fiber optic case}} {{ ::techno-economic_comparisons_of_hvac_and_simultaneous_ac-dc_transmission.pdf |Techno-economic comparisons of hvac and simultaneous AC-DC transmission}} {{ ::condemnation_deed_x-178_easton.pdf |Condemnation deed, X-178, Easton. Reasonable need, no 'intelligence' rights}} {{ :typical_x-178_row_deed.pdf |Typical X-178 ROW deed, no transmission of 'intelligence' permitted.}} {{ ::weathering_steel_structure_diagram.pdf |New 115V tower, partial image, no dimensions}} {{ ::23-056_2023-06-08_acknowledgment_letter.pdf |acknowledgement of petition}} {{ ::petition_to_nh_puc_for_review_of_eversource_asset_condition_projects_may_2023.pdf |petition for review of eversource asset condition projects}} {{ ::supplement_to_petition_for_a_docket_on_eversource_asset_condition_projects_5-2023.pdf |supplement to petition}} {{ :pac:a10_asset_condition_presentation_thresholds.pdf |2017, December 20: Asset Condition project presentation thresholds}}