====== V-182 ====== {{ :v182:a05_2023_06_15_pac_laminated_wood_structure_replacements_phase_3.pdf |2023, June 15: Presentation to PAC}} {{ ::f139:aot-2388_plans.pdf |2023, June 15: AoT Permitting Plans}} {{ ::f139:transmittal_final_documents_re_external_v182_f139_transmission_line_rebuild_project.pdf |2023, June 5: transmittal final documents}} {{ :v182:aot-2388_plans.pdf |2023, June 5: AoT "Maintenance' Permitting map plans}} {{ :f139:d182_-_f139_des_permit_with_waivers_5-29-2023.pdf |2023, May 29: AoT permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.12(d)(1 & 2), Env-Wq 1503.21(c)(2), and Env-Wq 1504.09,}} {{ :v182:eversource_franklin_northfield_canterbury_concord_des_wetlands_rfmi_5.13.23.pdf |2023, May 13: DES request for more information }} {{ :v182:v-182_2023-010-application.pdf |2023, April 19: petition for crossing, Canterbury, Northfield and Franklin}} {{ :v182:v-182_2023-010-application-exhibits.pdf |2023: petition for crossing exhibits}} {{ ::v182-f139-project-fact-sheet.pdf |2023, April: project fact sheet}} {{ :v182:v182_-_f139_aot_checklist.pdf |2023, April 5: AoT checklist}} {{ ::f139:aot-2388_aot_package.pdf |2023, March 10: Alteration of Terrain application "The total land disturbance for the project was calculated to be approximately 61.1 acres. The disturbance area includes the work pads, access roads, and the estimated limits of necessary grading." }} {{ ::item4a_eversource_v182_f139_transmission_lines.pdf |2023, February 22: Presentation to ?}} {{ :v182:v182_des_permit_with_waivers_9-9-2022.pdf |September 9, 2022: DES permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.22(c)(3 - 8) and Env-Wq 1504.09, }} {{ :v182:v182_des_to_es_emails.pdf |2022, August 19: emails DES and E$}} {{ :v182:v182_stamped_page_aot.pdf |2022, July 19: AoT stamped page}} {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ :v182:v182_transmittal_proof.pdf |2022, June 8: proof of transmittal}} {{ :v182:v182_des_permit_with_waivers_and_aot_application.pdf |2022, June 6: DES permit with AoT application and emails}} {{ :v182:c189_g146_m137_m108_5-22-2023.pdf |2022, May 22: AoT Permit map set }} {{ :v182:nhdes_aot-2209_-_v182_approved_plan_set.pdf |2022, May 13: Approved AoT Plan set}} {{ :v182:v182_final_environmental_resources_map_5-13-2022.pdf |2022, May 13: environmental resources map}} {{ :v182:05.10.2023.pdf |2022, May 10: Concord Conservation Commission minutes}} {{ :v182:4-cre-2022-009-license.pdf |2022, April 18: License for crossings}} {{ :v182:3-cre-2022-009-energy-staff-recommendation.pdf |2022, March 28: staff recommendation }} {{ :v182:cre-2022-009-order-of-notice.pdf |2022, March 30" NH DOE Notice of Prehearing Conference}} {{ ::v182:1-cre-2022-009-petition.pdf |2022, March 22: E$ Petition for River and Public Lands crossings}} {{ :v182:2-cre-2022-009-petition-attachments.pdf |2022, January 16: petition attachments also dated 12/2016}} {{ :v182:np_v182_f139.pdf |2015, August 15: Northern Pass Public Waters and Land crossing diagrams}} {{ :v182:v-182_2008-07-08_nh_des_wetland_permit.pdf |2008, July 8: DES wetland permit}} {{ :v182:v-182_2008-08-18_liberty_s_review_summary.pdf |2008, August 18: Liberty review summary}} {{ :v182:v-182_2008-05-30_order_no._24_859_order_nisi_granting_license.pdf |2008, May 30: Order Nisi granting license}} {{::08-064_2008-04-24_petition_for_licenses_to_construct_and_maintain_electric_lines_and_fiber_optic_cable-_public_waters.pdf |2008, April 24: Petition for crossing}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_a_exhibit_1_and_2.pdf |2008: Profile Merrimack River crossing}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_b_exhibit_3_and_4.pdf |2008: Profile Soucook River crossing Concord-Pembroke}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_c_exhibit_5_and_6.pdf |2008: Profile Soucook River crossing Pembroke}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_d_exhibit_7_and_8.pdf |2008: Crossing Turtle Town Pond}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_e_exhibit_7_and_9.pdf |2008: Crossing Turtle Town Pond}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_f_exhibit_10_and_11.pdf |2008: Crossing Merrimack River, Franklin-Northfield.}} {{ ::08-064_2008-04-24_appendix_g_exhibit_12_and_13.pdf |2008: Crossing Chance Pond}} {{ :f162:1994_f-162_t-198_n-186_l-163_p-145_v-182_de_94-272.pdf |1995, September 6: as identified in Appendix 9 of the petition and on drawings D-7649-394/Exhibit 1, D-7649-394/Exhibit 2, D-7649-395/Exhibit 1, and D-7649-395/Exhibit 2, are over Turtle Pond in Concord, NH}}