V-191 115kV line, built in 2005 {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ :v191:v191_env._resources_map_stamped_page.pdf |2022, June 2: AoT stamped page}} {{ :v191:aot2177_rm.pdf |2022, June 22: DES permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.12(d), Env-Wq 1503.21(d)(6) and (7), and Env-Wq 1504.09,}} {{ :v191:v191_6-21-22.pdf |2022, June 21: Environmental Resources map}} {{ :v191:v191_des_and_e_emails.pdf |2022, June 17: DES, Fish & Game and contractor emails}} {{ :v191:v191_fish_and_game_email.pdf |2022, May 16: Fish & Game recommendations, email}} {{ :v191:v191_aot_permit_4-2022.pdf |2022, April: AoT application}} {{ ::crossing-license-granted_v-191.pdf |2022, January 3: DOE order permitting crossing}} {{ ::staff_rec_v-191.pdf |2021, October 21: staff recommendation}} {{ :v191:a2_eversource_laminated_wood_structure_replacements_phase_2_rev1_redline.pdf |2021, October 20: Revised presentation to PAC}} {{ :v191:cr-2021-006-es-crossing-merrimack-bedford.pdf |2021, after October: DOE order of hearing on crossing petition}} {{ ::a2_eversource_laminated_wood_structure_replacements_phase_2_rev1_redline.pdf |2021, October 20; PAC presentation, replace 41 out of 60 structures at $11 m.}} {{ ::crossing_petition_v-191.pdf |2021, October 15: E$ crossing petition}} {{ :v191:exhibits_1-3.pdf |2021, May 7: exhibits for crossing petition, also dated December 2016}}