W-179 115kV Line {{ :w179:w-179_dummer.pdf |2024, June 28: DES permit for wetlands impacts cover letter}} {{::w179:w-179_6-28-2024_des_permit.pdf |2024, June 28: DES permit "This is for the portion of a large-scale project where the installation of construction mats in wetlands exceeds one growing season for completion of the replacement of overhead static wires with optical ground wire."}} {{ ::2023_11_15_topac_lsp_eversource_presentation.pdf |2023, November 15: Eversource TOPAC (Transmission Owners Planning Advisory Committee presentation to PAC}} {{ ::w179:w-179_tca.pdf |2023, September 20: No significant effect on reliability for W-178 (3)}} {{ ::w-179_des_permit_with_waivers.pdf |2023, April 4: DES permit with waivers of Env-Wq 1503.12(d)(1 & 2), Env-Wq 1503.21(d)(6 & 7) and Env-Wq 1504.09,}} {{ ::w179_des_-_fs_-_contractor_emails.pdf |2023, April 4: DES and Contractor emails}} {{ ::w179-project-plans-maps.pdf |2023, March 29; Environmental Resources Construction Map Set}} {{ ::w179_aot_extensive.pdf |20232, February 15 AoT application}} {{ ::w179_nrcs_soil_report.pdf |2023, February 7: 126 page NRCS soil report}} {{ ::attachment_rr-dpu-es-3.pdf |October 2022 PAC presentation, local system plan}} {{ ::w179_structure_replacement_overview_updated_7-11-2022.pdf |2022, July 11, overview}} {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ ::1-cre-2022-030-crossing_application.pdf |2022, December 6: petition}} {{ ::2-cre-2022-030-exhibits_1-3.pdf |2022: exhibits}} {{ ::3-cre-2022-030-energy-staff-recommendation.pdf |2022: staff recommendation}} {{ ::4-cre-2022-030-license.pdf |2022: order}} {{ :iso_7-15-2021_no_significant_impact_of_interconnection.pdf |2021, July 15: no significant impact from connection}}