Z-180 115kV Line {{ :a111:es_webster_beebe_river_tca_determination.pdf |2023, May 31: ISO approval of Transmission Cost Allocation}} {{ ::e-115_z-1180_and_a-111_2023.pdf |2023, March 14: NEPOOL approval of $100 m.+ for A-11, E-115 and Z-180 for Transmission Cost Allowance}} {{ :z180:z180_des_to_e_.pdf |2023, January 10: email DES to E$}} {{ :z180:z180_des_permit_with_waivers_2023.pdf |2023, January 10: DES permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.21(c)(2) and Env-Wq 1504.09, }} {{ :z180:z180_start_of_construction_form.pdf |2023, January 11: Start of Construction form}} {{ ::a05_1_es-23-tca-01_final.pdf |2023, January 9: Submission to ISO for TCA. }} {{ :p106:p106_f_g.pdf |2023, January 8: emails re wood turtles}} {{ ::z180_environmental_resources_map_1-6--2023.pdf |2023, January 6: Environmental Resources maps}} {{ ::z180_wildlife_protection_issues.pdf |2023, January 6: Fish & Game to E$ re wildlife issues}} {{ :z180:z180_f_g_and_e_emails.pdf |2023, January 6: Fish & Game to DES}} {{ ::22-049_2022-08-24_eversource_att-pet-approval-financing-transaction.pdf |2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending}} {{ ::z180-line-structure-relacement-project-plans.pdf |2022, July 22: Draft maps set}}