K-174 115V line

2023, October 6: order

2023, September 29: staff recommendation state land, Croydon

2023, September 6: petition to cross state owned land in Croydon

2023, September 6: crossing exhibits

2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending; OPGW $136,000.

2021, February 3: Sunapee Conservation Commission minutes

2021, February 10: order

2021, February 3: staff recommendation

2021, February 18: license for crossing the North Branch of the Sugar River in Croydon and State owned lands in Croydon, Newport and Claremont

2021, February 1: second crossing petition

}2021, January 28: replacement crossing petition; "In addition to the aforementioned structure replacements, one of the two existing pole top mounted static wires between the North Road Substation in Sunapee and Str. 191 (See, Exhibit 1 Overview Plan) will be replaced with optical ground wire (OPGW) to enhance communications functionality as part of Eversource's ongoing reliability initiatives."

2021, January 28: crossing exhibits

2021, January 28: Redline ES petition to cross the North Branch of the Sugar River in Croydon and State owned lands in Croydon, Newport and Claremont

2020, July 27: crossing petition Croydon, Newport and Claremont

2020, July 27: crossing exhibits

December 2019, 2020-2023 revisions PAC presentation

2018, October 17; PAC submission, replace 43 structures at $8.7 million