L-163 115kV line

2021, May 18: crossing permit for North Branch River and an unnamed outflow stream of Island Pond in Stoddard, Otter Brook in Sullivan, the Ashuelot River in Keene, and public land owned by the State of New Hampshire in Stoddard

2021, March 22: Keene Planning Board minutes

2021, January 21: Minutes from PAC meeting.

2021, January 21 PAC presentation, replace 62 structures at $22.3 m.(estimated)

2020, December 30: petition to cross the North Branch River and an unnamed outflow stream of Island Pond in Stoddard, Otter Brook in Sullivan, the Ashuelot River in Keene, and public land owned by the State of New Hampshire in Stoddard.

2020, May 21: Order summary

2020, May 21: Order

2020, April 28: second supplement to initial petition

2020, April 28: supplement to initial petition, exhibits

2020, April 16: staff recommendation

2020, April 9, DES permit with waivers

2020, April 6: Alteration of Terrain plans

2020, April 3, AoT cover page

2020, April 2: emails re protected species

2020, January 30: Alteration of Terrain application

2020, January 27: Keene Planning Board Agenda

2020, January 12: Alteration of Terrain surface and groundwater overlay.

2019, October 30: Antrim Conservation Commission minutes

2019, October 15: petition for crossing, Keene, Stoddard and Sullivan

2019, October 15: petition exhibits, conductor not replaced, stays at 336.4 25/7, (2) 3#6 copperweld, (1) ADSS

2018, October 17: PAC presentation, replace 64 structures at $14. million (estimated)

1995, September 6: as identified in Appendix 5 of the petition and on drawings D-7649-387/Exhibit 1 and D-7649-387/Exhibit 2, is over the Ashuelot River in Keene, NH.