DOT permits, denials and revocations; OHRV state road crossings, other than Ride the Wilds
6-14-2016: Haverhill request for waiver allowing crossing of Blackmount Trail
6-17-2016: FHWA response to Haverhill request for crossing Blackmount
7-8-2016: DOT to Claremont: TE funding precludes OHRV use of rail trail
7-14-2016: DOT to Haverhill: TE funding precludes OHRV use of Blackmount Trail
8-17-2016: FHWA to DOT, Haverhill will need FHWA waiver for crossing of TE-funded Rail Trail
6-20-2020: DOT to DOT no OHRV crossings of state roads in Henniker permitted.
11-19-2020: DOT to DOT; RSA 215-:10 allows OHRV crossings of Route 114 in Henniker.
dot_permits_for_ohrv_road_crossings.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/30 07:50 by