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Transmission Cost Allocation Applications

2023, August 15: NEPOOL Reliability Committee, NH 2029 Preferred Solutions, Huckins Hill, North Keene and Amherst substations, $132.8 m.

2023, July 7: Summary of ISO-NE Reviewed TCA Applications under Schedule 12C of the Tariff - Status as of 7/7/2023

2023, June 13: NH 2029 Solution Eastern - 363 345kV Line Bisect for NHT Cap Bank (Seabrook substation - Scobie Pond substation)

2023, June 13: 363, ES for NHT

2023, May 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee; P-106 and Q-171

2023, May 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee; Greggs Substation Rebuild

2023, May 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee; P-145 rebuild

2023, May 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo

2023, February 22: NEPOOL Reliability Committee; A-152 M-164, R-187, S-188,V-191, $48.6 m.

2023, February 22: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo, Webster to Beebe River projects, $110 m.

2023, January 19: 381/379 345 kV Line Optical Ground Wire Upgrade Project (Northfield Mountain substation to VELCO to Fitzwilliam substation)

2023, January 9: Z-180

2023, January 8: NEPOOL Reliability Committee: Eagle Substation - 345/115 kV Autotransformer Replacement

2022, December 1: Eagle Substation 345/115kV Autotransformer Replacement Project

2022, November 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee, C-196, 379, 385, 391, 373, 326, $46.9 m.

2022, November 16: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo

2022, November 1: NH 2029 Preferred Solution – Southern / 345-kV Amherst Synchronous Condenser Project

2022, October 19: Greggs Substation Rebuild Project

2022, September 28: Q-171

2022, September 22: P-106

2022, September 20: C-196

2022, September 20: NEPOOL Reliability Committee memo

2022, September 20: NEPOOL Reliability Committee, T-198

2022, September 8: NH 2029 Preferred Solution – Western / 115-kV N. Keene Synchronous Condenser Project

2022, September 8: NH 2029 Preferred Solution – Central / 115-kV Huckins Hill Synchronous Condenser Project

2022, August 24: 385

2022, August 24: 373

2022, August 24: 391

2022, August 2: 326

2022, June 27: E-115

2022, June 15: 379

2022, June 14: P-145

2022, March 14: V-191

2022, February 22: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo

2022, February 15: presentation to Reliability Committee; L-175, G-128, K-105, X-116, Z-119

2022, February 11: A-152

2022, February 11: T-198

2022, February 9: NEPOOL Voting memo

2021, December 14: Reliability Committee; D-121

2021, December 14: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo, 345kV

2021, December 14: NEPOOL Reliability Committee voting memo, 115kV

2021, December 9: Z-119

2021, December 7: Reliability Committee; 373 and others

2021, October 28: S-188

2021, October 28: X-116

2021, October 20: M-164

2021, October 16: R-187

2021, October 5: K-105

2021, August 19: A-111

2021, August 19: D-121

2021, March 29: G-128

2021, March 24: L-175

2021, January 2: 373

2019, February 11: 367

2019, February 11: 379

2019, February 11: 391

2019, February 11: 381

2019, February 11: 307

2019, February 11: 326

2016, January 7: ISO to ES: 326, K-165, H-123, D-115, H-137, G-146 and P-145

transmission_cost_allocation_applications.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/04 03:45 by sigridundset

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