379 345kV line

map showing line location

2023, January 19, presentation to PAC, replace shield wire

2022, November 8: license for crossing

2022, October 24: application for crossing

2022, November 2: staff recommendation

2022, September 20: diagrams of crossing in Hinsdale, also dated 12/2016.

2022, July 8: DES permit with waivers of of Env-Wq 1503.12(d), Env-Wq 1503.21(d)(6) and (7), and Env-Wq 1504.09,

2022, July 8: petition for crossing

2022, July 11: start of construction notification to DES

2022, May 19: license for crossing

2022, May 16: AOT permit application

2022, May 6, Alteration of Terrain application

2022, May 5: permitting plan set

2022, May 5: Alteration of Terrain, stamped first page

2022, May 5: order of notice

2022, May 4: order of notice

2022, April Chester Public Hearing Notice

2022, March 16, water crossing diagrams, also dated 12/2016. Required 20' clearance exceeded by 45'

2017, December presentation to PAC, replacement of 54 out of 169 poles.

1997, July 14: crossing of Merrimack River; ". The one location where the OPGW cable is to be installed will be on Line 379 crossing the Merrimack River in Litchfield and Merrimack.":