D-142 115kV Line

2023, November 15: Eversource TOPAC (Transmission Owners Planning Advisory Committee presentation to PAC

2022, August 31: "Dear Neighbor" construction is now complete letter

2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending

2022, January: Project Overview flyer

2022, October 19: PAC presentation, local system plan

2021, December 15: crossing granted

2021, November 22: order of notice

2021, October 27: Staff recommendation

2021, October 22: E$ crossing petition

2021, October 20: crossing exhibits

2021, September 28: order of notice

2021, September 6: DES permit with waivers "DES granted approval to waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1504.09, finding that the development of a stormwater drainage report, and associated drainage area plans and hydrologic soil group plans was not warranted given the scope of the project, its linear nature, and the relatively minor area of impervious surfaces constructed. It was further determined that granting the waivers would not have an adverse impact on the environment, public health, public safety, or abutting properties, and that granting the requests is consistent with the intent and purpose of the rules waived."

2021, September 2021: Staff recommendation

2021, September 1: permitting plans 1

2021, September 1: permitting plans 2

2021, September 1: permitting plans 3

2021, September 1: permitting plans 4

2021, July 15: no impact if interconnected

2021, June 2: AoT application 1

2021, June 2 AoT application 2

2021, April 28: crossing petition including Cape Horn State Park

2021, April 12: Caledonian Record article

2021, April: Project Overview flyer

2020, December 18: mowing permit des

2019, October : PAC presentation local system plan

2015: Northern Pass planned to upgrade the D-142 line (336) to only 795, not the 1272 that it has constructed.