F-139 115kv line

2023: crossing petition

2023: crossing exhibits

2023, June 15: AoT Permitting Plans

2023, June 5: transmittal final documents

2023, June 5: expired links to AoT documents

2023, May 29: AoT permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.12(d)(1 & 2), Env-Wq 1503.21(c)(2), and Env-Wq 1504.09,

2023, March 10: AoT application, VHB

2023, May 13: DES request for more information

2023, April: project fact sheet

2023, April 5: AoT checklist

2023, March 23: nh fish and game alteration of terrain conditions

2023, March 16: PAC minutes

2023, February 22: Presentation to ?

2022, May 10: Concord Conservation Commission minutes

2022, April 18: License for crossings

December 2019, 2020-2023 revisions PAC presentation

March 2023 PAC presentation

2022, May 10: Concord Conservation Commission minutes

2021, May 12, PUC permission to cross river

2020, September 21: permission to cross river

2023, June 5:Asset Condition projects called Maintenance Projects

2023, March 10: Alteration of Terrain application "The total land disturbance for the project was calculated to be approximately 61.1 acres. The disturbance area includes the work pads, access roads, and the estimated limits of necessary grading."

2020, April 3: water crossing application maps

2017, September 20: Dear Neighbor letter

2017, September 6: Storm hardening plans revision 2

2016 cross-arm and insulator replacements

2016: Northern Pass F-139 and V-182