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A-126 115kV line

The A126 line originates in Brentwood and culminates in Portsmouth.

map showing line location

2023, June 27: Alteration of Terrain permit with waivers

2023, June 16: Alteration of Terrain plans

2023, June 3, withdrawn DES permit application for construction

2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "

2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 35 out of 182 structures; $8.4 million

2023, May 5 AoT application

2023, May 5: cover letter for Alteration of Terrain application. "The proposed project includes the replacement of 76 existing utility structures on the R193, A126, and H141 transmission lines that must be replaced because they have reached the end of their service life."

2023, May 23: Start of construction notice

2023, May 18: Environmental Resources Map

2023, May 21: DES permit with waivers

2023, May 9: construction plans

2023, May 5: AOT permit application

2023, April 7: license for crossing. "The A126's existing three phase conductors and two static wires within the spans encompassing this application will not be changed in the course of performing the structure replacements."

2023, April 3: AOT checklist

2023, April 3:crossing petition, Exeter

2023: crossing exhibits, Brentwood

2023, April 3:crossing exhibits Exeter

2023, April 5: staff recommendation

2023, March 21: Alteration of Terrain application. "New steel poles will be installed. Existing conductors and static wire will be transferred to new steel poles."

2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending

2021, November 5: license to cross state land in Brentwood, one static wire

2021, September 8: staff recommendation Brentwood crossing, 2 static wires

2021, June 15: petition for crossing state land in Brentwood; "The existing three conductors and two static wires, whose specifications are identified on the Exhibits 2 Cable Schedule, will be unchanged in the course of relocation to the new replacement structures...As part of its ongoing asset condition inspection program, Eversource determined that original wood structures 205 through 212 need to be replaced to continue to function safely and reliably"

2021, May 3: Exhibits for crossing, Brentwood

2019, May 14: exhibits for crossing, Squampscot River, three 477 ASCR 26/7 Hawk conductors, two Alumoweld 7#8 static ground wires

2019, January 7: crossing petition, Dudley Brook, Brentwood' "The existing A126 Line and H141 Line structures are approximately 50 years old and require replacement for these transmission lines to continue to function safely and reliably. This structure replacement and repair project is part of a maintenance project necessary for the A126 and H141 Transmission Lines to continue to meet current as well as future projected electricity demands."

2018, October 17, presentation to PAC, replace 49 structures, $8.3 million

2020, February 5: Swamscott River order summary

2020, February 5: order Nisi

2019, August 29: staff recommendation Swamscott River crossing

2018, October 17: presentation to PAC, replace

a-126.1713424955.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/18 03:22 by sigridundset

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