1995: Acquisition list Boscawen to Lebanon
1995: Northern RR to NH DOT, release deed, Northern Line, Boscawen to Lebanon, 59.32 miles
1995: B&M to NH DOT, Northern line, Boscawen to Lebanon release deed
1999: Lebanon land sale plan map
2001: State of NH to West Lebanon Supply, map
2001: Section 229-1 highways defined
1998-2010: Northern RR quitclam deeds:
2001: NH DOT to Lebanon Supply quitclaim deed Northern RR corridor
2001: NH DOT to Town of Enflield, quitclaim deed, 2 acres.
NH DOT to Lowery, quitclaim deed
NH DOT to Curriers, Lebanon, quitclaim deed
NH DOT to Barrow, Lebanon, quitclaim deed
NH DOT to Biathrow, Lebanon, qitclaim deed
NH DOT to Dolloff, Franklin, quitclaim deed
NH DOT to Town of Danbury, quitclaim deed, three parcels
NH DOT to Town of Andover, quitclaim deed