307 345kV line

map showing line location

2023, May 23: DES permission for alteration of terrain with waivers

2023, Fish & Game restrictions on work

2023, March 13: Deerfield Conservation Commission minutes

2023, March 13: license to cross

2021, March 10: staff recommendation; "The Eversource 307 Line is a 345kV overhead transmission line which was originally built in 1972 between the Eliot Substation in Eliot, Maine and the Deerfield Substation in Deerfield, New Hampshire. The proposed project for the 307 Line encompasses replacing the single existing alumoweld static wire with an optical ground wire (OPGW) at the pole top position. The crossing at Exhibit 3 (Structures 65 and 66) currently has two alumoweld wires and one pole top alumoweld will be replaced with the proposed OPGW. At the other crossing locations, an existing OPGW will remain, and the existing alumoweld wire will be replaced with the proposed OPGW"

2023, March 7: crossing application, North River, Bellamy River, Pistacaqua Riveer and Oyster River. 1113 54/19 ASCR Finch conductor, 64 fiber .637 OPGW and 96 fiber .646 OPGW

2023, crossing exhibits, "The proposed project for the 307 encompasses replacing the single existing alumoweld static wire with an optical ground wire (OPGW) at the pole top position. The crossing at Exhibit 3 (Structure 65 and 66) currently has two alumoweld wires and one pole top alumoweld will be replaced with the proposed OPGW. At the other crossing locations, an existing OPGW will remain, and the existing alumoweld wire will be replaced with the proposed OPGW"

2022, June 16: e-mail with restrictions on work

2023, May 23: DES permit with waivers

2023, May 23: Start of construction notification

2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "

2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, Replace 15 out of 46 structures and reconductor with Optical Ground Wire (OPGW); $9.4 million

map showing line location

2023, March 23: Oyster River Local Advisory Committee comments

2023, March 23; Lamprey River LAC find with project

2023: March 13: license for river crossings, Pistaqua, Bellamy, Oyster and North Rivers

2023, March 12: letter to Lamprey River LAC

2023, March 10: DOE recommendation

2023, March 7: Eversource application for river crossing

2023, February 22: Lamprey River LAC to DES

2023, February 8: AOT application "Works pads shall be reduced post-construction to 30’ x 60’ and restored with a native vegetation seed mix."

2023, February 1: AOT checklist

2023, January 23: exhibits for DOE showing river crossing

2022, June 15, presentation to PAC

2019, February 11, submission to NEPOOL

2019, November 26, Durham permitted use

2019, December 11: Durham town planners review

2019, May 17: river crossing exhibits, two alumoweld static/ground lines, Lamprey River

2017, December presentation to PAC, replacement of 47 out of 145 poles.

2017, December 17, Deerfield Conservation Commission minutes

1996,December 11: licensing of one OPGW

1954, crossing of Bellamy River, Dover, to bring power from Schiller to Manchester area, D-E3341, Order 6471

1953, crossing of Piscataqua, D-7949-13 p. 27, 1971 crossing of Piscataqua River and Bellamy River, p. 29

wetland under the 307, southeast of the deerfield ss

wetland under the 307

tops and debris in wetland under the 307