391 345kV Line

map showing line location

2023, May 18 PAC minutes "A stakeholder suggested the ISO could take an “if you build it, they will come approach” but another stakeholder raised concern that this could be “building a bridge to nowhere.” "

2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 39 out of 335 structures; $12.4 million

2023, March 7: E$ to DES; "The gravel fill used within the CMP meets NHDOT 304.4 sieve size standards. For structures in uplands, the exterior of the CMP is padded with either 8” of flowable fill or 10” of NHDOT 304.4 mix. For structures in wetlands, we don’t put any material around the outside of the CMP"

2023, February 8: DES inspection in response to complaint

2022, August 26: DES permit

2022, August 19: DES permit with waivers

2022, August 16: notification to DES; replacing 5 structures in Derry

2022, August 16: notification to DES; replacing 5 structures in Derry

2022, August 5: F&G and eversource discussion

2022, June 15 presentation to PAC, replace 27 out of 335 poles; $9. million for 391 line

2022, June 1; Alteration of Terrain application

2022, May 20: Natural Heritage Bureau

2022, May; Alteration of Terrain drawings,76 pages

2022, May: ground and surface water overlay maps

2022, April: Alteration of Terrain drawings, 48 pages

2021, April 7: order granting river crossing

2020, April 7: Start of construction notification

2020, April 3: DES permit with waivers

2020, April 2: F&G

2020, March 17: DES to NHB

delineated wetland under 391, "upgrade"

delineated wetland under 391, wetlands are not an asset, 'for' Eversource.

delineated wetland under 391, "upgrade"

2020, April 3; DES permission to Alter the Terrain, with waivers

2020, January 20: AoT application, 244 pages

2020: January 20: AoT application 254 pages

2020, January 1: ground and surface water overlay maps

2019, July 1: Start of construction notification

2019, June 28; DES permission to Alter Terrain, with waivers, 391, 373, 385

2019, June 22: DES permit with waivers

2019, May: Alteration of Terrain permit application

2019, April 10: exhibits for petition to cross Lamprey River, 2-7#8 Alumoweld

2019, April 10: petition to cross Lamprey River

2019, April 4: surface and groundwater overlay map

2019, April 2: Alteration of Terrain plans

2018, October 28: installation of grounding rings at 30 structures, $10,000 paid to DES

2017, December presentation to PAC, replacement of 69 out of 335 poles; $19.6 million