A-152 115kV line

2023, December 21; k. pastoriza questions on E$ PAC presentation

2023, December 20: E$ presentation to the PAC; replace 18 B: "Minimal Defect – Monitor Degradation" and 3 C: "Moderate Defect – Repair or Replace under next maintenance" (8 years?) structures; $5.8 m.

2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending

2022, March 28, DES permission to alter terrain waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1504.09,

2022, February 8: Original AoT application

2022, February 7: Stamped Alteration of Terrain plans

2022, January: Surface and Groundwater overlay maps

2022, January 18: license granted

2021, October 20: undated revision to 10/20/21 PAC submission, laminated wood phase 2 revision 1 replace 72 out of 242 structures at $15.3 m.

2021, December 16: Order Nisi

2021, December 2: staff recommendation,steel poles 65'-79'

2021, November 12: crossing petition, "The current maintenance project which is the subject of this petition will replace wood structures 1 through 72 that were installed in 2008 with steel structures."

2021, November Keene Conservation Commission minutes

2021, September 30: crossing exhibits, Keene, Swanzey, Winchester. Monopoles with 64 fiber and H-frames with 64 fiber and 7#8 Alumoweld.

2020, September 11: order granting crossings. "Staff’s recommendation proposed expanding the scope of the licenses to include an existing fiber optic telecommunications line, which Eversource already maintains on its existing overhead line structures across the entire span of the crossings at issue. The Company references the fiber optic cable in its supplemental petition.'

2020, April 29: supplement to April 11 petition for crossing. "No conductor, shield wire or neutral wire will be replaced as part of this project; instead, existing conductors and wires will be transferred to the new structures (Str. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 153, 175), which will be a steel structure replacement of the original wood structures"

2019, September 20: petition for crossing, Winchester and Swanzey, No conductor, shield wire or neutral wire will be replaced as part of this project; instead, existing conductors and wires will be transferred to the new structures (Str. 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 152, 153, 154, 175, 176), which will be a steel structure replacement of the wood structures.

2019, September 20: Petition for crossing, Winchester and Swanzey exhibits, two 7#8 Alumoweld, one ADSS .636, 795 ASCR 36/1 Coot

2018, October 17; PAC submission, replace 29 structures at $6.1. million

2012, October, proposed reliability rebuild

2008, September 5: Order granting license; "PSNH plans to replace the existing A-152 pole structures, most of which are H-frame construction, with new structures designed to handle the increased loads of the larger conductors According to the petition, a majority of the line will be rebuilt with single pole structures with davit arms In those locations, the two existing static wires will be replaced with one new OPGW cable. The remainder of the line will be rebuilt with two pole structures and H-frame construction, and the two existing static wires will be replaced with one new OPGW cable and a new Alumoweld static wire."

2009, September 4: Memo re staff recommendation

2020, August 20: attachment to Memo re staff recommendation; "PSNH plans on rebuilding the A-152 line with larger conductor and a new communications cable... The fiber optic ground wire (OPGW) communications cable replaces an existing All Dielectric Self Supported (ADSS) communications cable..."

2008, August 14: supplements to petition

2008, August 7: Petition for crossing Merrimack River, reliability upgrade; "In order to continue to meet the reasonable requirements of service to the public, PSNH has determined it is necessary to upgrade the A-152 line conductors to increase the power transfer capability of the line. This need is a result of load growth in the central part of New Hampshire. The entire length of the A- 152 line between Keene and Swanzey is constructed of 477 ACSR. The remainder of this line, between the Swanzey substation and Vermont Yankee generating plant in Vermont, is 795 ACSR. This project will remove all of the 477 ACSR and replace it with 1590 ACSR between the Emerald Street and Swanzey Substations. Upgrading this portion of the A-152 line will allow PSNH to continue to provide reliable electric service to its customers in this area of the State"

2008: Profile Ashuelot River, Swanzey; 1590 ASCR 45/7 and two 84 fiber OPGWs

2008: Profile Ashuelot River, Swanzey; 1590 ASCR 45/7 and two 84 fiber OPGWs

2008: Profile Ashuelot River, Keene; will cross the Ashuelot River on single-poles, 70’ and 75’, wood tangent structures with a span of 399.0’. 1590 ASCR 45/7 and one 84 fiber OPGW

1998: ADSS installed