M-127 115kV line

2023, December 21; k. pastoriza questions on E$ PAC presentation

2023, December 20: E$ presentation to the PAC; replace 14 B: "Minimal Defect – Monitor Degradation" and 11 "C: Moderate Defect – Repair or Replace under next maintenance" (8 years?) structures; $9.8 m.

2020-2023: revisions of 2019 PAC presentation

2021, May 30: replace 18 poles in 316 distribution easement

2021: M. Francis, public comment

2021, April 5: mowing permit

2021, March 16: map 2 of 9

2020, August 11: Amended AoT application

2020, July 23: permit for crossings

2020, July 6: staff recommendation; "This structure replacement and repair project is part of a capital reliability project - necessary for the M127 Line to continue to meet current as well as future projected electricity demands"

2020, March 20: DES permit waiving requirements for Env-Wq 1504.09

2020, March 11: mowing permit DES and other documents

2020, January 30: E$ petition for crossings

2020, January 24: diagrams for crossing

2020, January 24; AoT, veg. management

2020, January 15: AoT application

2020, January 7: structure replacement overlay maps

2008, March 31: Northeast Utilities (now Eversource) plans for Deerfield to Webster to Coolidge, Vermont 345kV line and Northern Pass