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H-141 115kV line

The H-141 line runs for 19.2 miles through Sandown, Danville, Fremont, Exeter, Stratham and North Hampton. Conductor is 336 ASCR 26/7 (19 m), 1272 ASCR (.1 m), 1590 ACSS (.2 m).

2023, May 18: map showing line location

2023, October: ES Draft presentation to PAC

2023, June 27: DES permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.12(d)(1 & 2), Env-Wq 1503.21(d)(6 & 7), and Env-Wq 1504.09,

2023, June 15: DES permit waiving specific requirements of Env-Wq 1503.12(d)(1 & 2), Env-Wq 1503.21(d)(6 & 7), and Env-Wq 1504.09

2023, June 16: AoT plans, Normandeau

2023, June 15: AoT application checklist

2023 May 25: Danville Planning Board: "The structure replacements were selected based on site visit evaluations conducted by Eversource and must be replaced for the transmission line to continue to function safely and reliably."

2023, May 23: license revision memo; The attached license has been revised to include additional information regarding the identification, specifications, and location of the subject utility lines as set forth in the Application requesting a Crossing License

2023 May 23: revised license; "The proposed project for the Hl41 Line encompasses the replacement of existing wooden structures in Exeter, Brentwood, and Fremont. Structures 164,169,I70,I79,180, 181, 250, and 251 need to be replaced promptly to continue to function safely and reliably. Those structures will be replaced with weathering steel equivalents... The H 141's existing three-phase conductors, single OPGW wire, and single static wire will not be changed in the course of performing the steel structure replacements"

2023, May 21: DES permit with waivers

2023, May 23: Start of construction notice

2023; May 18: PAC minutes

2023, May 18, presentation to PAC, replace 35 out of 182 structures; $8.4 million

2023, May 18: Environmental Resources Map; 'Existing conductors and static wire will be transferred to new steel poles'

2023, May 9: construction plans

2023, May 5: AOT permit application

2023, May 5: cover letter for Alteration of Terrain application. "The proposed project includes the replacement of 76 existing utility structures on the R193, A126, and H141 transmission lines that must be replaced because they have reached the end of their service life."

2023 April 26: crossing license; "The proposed project for the H141 Line encompasses the replacement of existing wooden structures in Exeter, Brentwood, and Fremont. Structures 164, 169,170,179, 180, 181, 250, and 251 need to be replaced promptly to continue to function safely and reliably. Those structures will be replaced with weathering steel equivalents that will be located within 10' of the original structure location. The H141's existing three phase conductors, single OPGW wire, and single static wire will not be changed in the course of performing the steel structure replacements"

2023 April 20: staff recommendation

2023; April 19: crossing application

2023, April 6: AoT application, GZA

2023, April 3: AOT checklist

2023 April: AoT permitting plans

2023; March 6: crossing exhibits; state lands Exeter and Brentwood, Exeter River in Fremont

2023, March 21: Alteration of Terrain application. "New steel poles will be installed. Existing conductors and static wire will be transferred to new steel poles."

2022, June 30: complete DE-22-049 document listing E$ proposed spending; $657,000.

2021; October 19: crossing order of notice; replace structures 175-177, 182-184 and 186-188, State land in Brentwood

2021; October 7: Brentwood planning board minutes

2021; September 10: staff recommendation

2021, September 7: transfer from PUC to DOE

2021, June 17: crossing petition; "As part of its ongoing asset condition inspection program, Eversource determined that original wood structures 175 through 177 and 182, 183, 184, 1 186, 187 & 188 need to be replaced to continue to function safely and reliably"

2021, June 17: crossing exhibits

2021; March 19: ES permit by notification

2020, April 1: order summary

2020, April 1: order Nisi; The proposed modification to the water crossing begins at Structure 137 on the east side of the Squamscott River in Stratham and continues in a northwesterly direction to Structure 138 in Exeter. The crossing over state-owned land in Sandown begins at Structure 270 and continues in a westerly direction to Structure 271

2020, March 10: order summary

2020, March 10: order Nisi; "Eversource seeks modification of its Hl41 Line, an existing overhead 115 kV electric transmission line over the Squamscott River between Stratham and Exeter, and across state-owned land in Sandown. Specifically, Eversource will replace four wooden pole structures with steel structures on portions of the H 141 Line that run over and across the Squamscott River and the state-owned land parcel."

2020, February 26: revised staff recommendation

2019, November 12: staff recommendations

2019, July 16: order granting crossing of Exeter River:

2019, July 9: order; "Eversource filed the original petition and attachments in this matter on January 7, 2019. The Company filed revisions on May 10, 2019. Through the revised petition and attachments, Eversource requested two licenses pursuant to RSA 371:17 to construct and maintain electric transmission lines over Dudley Brook...The proposed modifications to the H141 Line begin at Structure #197 on the east side of Dudley Brook and will continue in a westerly direction to Structure #198...the total span from Structure #197 to Structure #198, after relocation, will be approximately 602 feet. Structures #198 and #222 are also changing in height from 70 to 75 feet above ground. The existing wooden structures will be replaced with new steel monopole structures and both transmission lines will be reconstructed using the existing conductors.

2019, July 9: order summary

2019, July 1: revised staff recommendations

2019; May: Exeter Conservation Commission meeting packet

2019, May 21: staff recommendations, revised

2019, May 17: staff recommendations

2019, May 13: crossing petition Swamscott River and Rockingham Rail Trail

2019, May 10: petition revisions

2019, May 10: crossing petition exhibit, revisions

2019, April 22: staff recommendation

2019, January 19: crossing petition Exeter River, Chester|

2019, January 9: crossing petition Danville

2019, January 9: crossing exhibits Exeter River, Danville

2019, January 7: crossing petition Brentwood

2018, October 17, presentation to PAC, replace 49 structures, $8.3 million

2018; July 17: notice of decision Sandown Planning Board

2012, October, Proposed reliability upgrade

h-141.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/17 03:13 by sigridundset

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